Monday, April 2, 2012

nap time...

When you have a baby you have a free pass to nap. You rock them to sleep and then you get to close your eyes and listen to them breathe and smell their head and before you know it you are whisked away that amazing place, napville. As the kids grew in numbers and age I would get a chance to visit, but never for as long as I wanted.

Then it happened.

It's spring break, the kids are tired and happy to home and "relax" for a while. Then R said that we were all bitten by the lazy bug...he was right, and there was only one thing to do. We all crawled into my bed, we must have looked like a murder scene. We curled up together, hands and feet, laying everywhere, little mouths open, eyes closed. Their heads are just as sweet smelling and listening to them breathe lulled me back to napville...and I got to visit for quite awhile.

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