I was sitting,drinking coffee...eating
ramen (don't hate) and thinking about things I had to do: making
chex mix with my Girl Scout troop, help with the Bishop's reception with scout troops (I still have no idea how I ended up on this committee), look over the lesson for
GOTR, planning and hosting 2 bridal showers, checking to see if Blessings in a Backpack has found me a school to volunteer at, planning K's sleepover, making meals for a neighbor who is hungry, building a chicken coop, taking in another bearded dragon, saying prayer for people who ask for them or just those that need a little boost...the list does go on.
I (along with my DH...I recently found out what that meant :)) have adopted 5 children, 2 from Africa, we built a house (
ok, we had it built), we drive super old cars, have a veggie garden in the front yard, clothes line on the deck, give time to the kids school teaching religion and teaching the youngsters where their food comes from...etc.
Now, you probably think, "who the hell does this lady think she is??" or "she thinks she's SOMETHING (insert eye roll)", "who is this bitch???". Well, it is none of those.
The reason I am telling you this is because I, like everyone, like to think of myself as "something", a mother, wife, friend, cupcake maker, animal poop cleaner, laundress. And I, like to think of myself as a "doer". Someone who does things, someone who is actively participating in their life and their community. When I set out to start my day, week, month, I don't always feel I do this and by no means am I bragging. I really only to brag about my wonderfully talented and well behaved children. I am trying to tell everyone that you can do it...you can let the dishes sit in the sink and stop by the ______________, and give a few hours or a hour.
And truth be told, am fascinated with "talkers"...
You know what I mean. The folks who talk about how they would love to volunteer for an hour at _________, but I am SOOOOOOOOOO busy. How, if they just had the time they would drive a little out of their way to drop off donations to the food pantry, but they are SOOOOOOO busy. The folks that say, "Oh MY GOD!!! we soooooooooo wanted to adopt, then we got pregnant" or "We are soooooo going to adopt, when we have the time". These people, to me, are like zoo animals or goldfish. Going around and around and pretending to live life through words. They are all talk and no action.
These folks, to me, are missing out on some of the best experiences...people you meet, going places you never thought about going to, things you never thought about doing. It's like the guy who sits around watching sports all day, bitching about a team that he was never involved in while his kid stands in the front yard throwing a football to himself...wake up!!!
Oh, this rant is not done.
The one type of person that makes my irish skin crawl are the "whiners". You heard me, the folks who say that they have nothing and when you try to help out they bitch because the food came from Walmart! WTF people. They complain when the sun is shining because it's too hot and when it's raining (even though this makes the flowers grow). They get so caught up in there own bubble that they turn it into a "shame spiral" constantly feeling that they are owed by the world and that they have been wronged and no one, not even Job himself have suffered as much as them...bitch please.
These folks need to look at the roof over their heads, their spouses, their children, the sun in the sky, the Walmart food on their table and take in joy from EVERYTHING or else their little tornado of doom will wreck their houses. These folks, in my eyes need to volunteer and help people. To be around people who will make them think twice about bitching just because they are in the "shame spiral" and nothing they get from other people can help. They have to help themselves, change their attitude, smile at the sun and laugh at the rain (no, I'm not drunk!).
To these folks I say, tap your ruby slippers together quickly before your life flies on by and you're left whining to yourself in a mirror, with a face like a slapped ass staring back at you.
Rant. Done.